Pastor's Monthly Letter (December 2016)

Created: Thursday, December 1, 2016

A Winter Welcome!

The season of light is forthcoming! It's a time of waiting as we anticipate Christ’s birth all over again. As our hearts yearn and longs for Christ, God’s Holy Spirit fills us with everlasting hope. With hope, our journey never comes to an end, though God’s mercies are ceaseless, rest assured. How great is our God who provides and supplies our every spiritual need - the believer’s joy is immeasurable.

The light in little children’s eyes is a priceless experience, one that makes us smile, perhaps helping us to recall our own childhood memories of a Christmas past.  Nothing can compare with the true joy of this season, a moment in time we are meant to be part of. To give and receive is a blessing, both for the giver and the receiver, a blessing that starts and ends with Christ. He alone is our strength, through whose life and love we have our being.

Among personal experiences that have edged picture-perfect moments was our Hanging of the Greens to the tunes of Christmas carols. Whether at church or at home, all the decorating may give way for a sense of magic to come through. As the four weeks in Advent help prepare us for the Lord’s coming among us, the anticipation rests within the heart of the beholder. Our fellowship with God depends upon our response. The Lord chooses and calls the believer into action. No wonder there is no such thing as a passive believer!

I long to celebrate the season with you, my church family, to listen and sing the old familiar hymns, to watch our youth perform in the Christmas pageant, and to relive each moment of so much joy, yet there’s more – always more with God whose infinite glory is beyond description.

As we wait and watch for the Lord’s coming, the timing is perfect, just as His love. May the love and light of Christ shine forth in your life and lead you into the His ceaseless presence.

Merry Christmas!
Pastor Anette